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32 Pearls Dental

Painless Root Canal Treatment in Ahmedabad

painless rct

As our name (32 PEARLS®) suggests, we consider your teeth, as precious as pearls. Root canal treatment / RCT is a proven treatment to save the failing tooth for long time. When a person trys to search for dentist near me, then 32 PEARLS® best dental clinic at Naranpura, Science City and Motera comes in picture.

We provide painless Root Canal Treatment in Ahmedabad using the latest armamentarium like NSK (UK) Endomotor, ENDOMATE DT (which is a ROBOTIC instrument for Root Canal Treatment), and DENTSPLY PROTAPER ROTARY Flexi, etc. Our root canal specialist dentist in Ahmedabad will give their best to make your experience most comfortable and painless.

Majority of our procedures are single sitting root canal treatments at dental clinic in Naranpura, dental clinic in Science City and at dental clinic in Motera. Painless and fast root canal treatment experience of our patients make 32 PEARLS®, the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad.

We are specialists in painless single visit Root Canal Treatment.

When a person needs RCT?

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) of a tooth is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (pulp) is irreversibly inflamed or infected because of decay (cavity), cracks, root infection, gums infection, traumatic occlusion or due to many other reasons.

Purpose of the root canal treatment is to remove the damaged/inflamed/infected pulp from the tooth and make sure that it is infection-sealed and the tooth is restored to its required function.

What a person feels when he/she requires RCT?

  • Pain while chewing or giving pressure on tooth
  • Pain while having cold / hot liquids
  • Pain at night or while in lying down position
  • Continuous pain which may or may not subside with pain killers
  • Inside and/or outside swelling
  • Crack or fracture of tooth
  • Darkening or Greying of tooth
  • Big cavity with food lodgement with or without pain
  • There may not be any discomfort or symptoms in involved tooth

The patient doesn't need to have symptoms in every case; sometimes, pulpal tissues are infected so rapidly that patient may not have any symptoms, which doesn't mean that the tooth is not inflamed or infectious. In short, "No pain in tooth" doesn't mean "No problem in tooth", as majority of dental problems may not cause pain at all.

The steps of Root Canal Treatment

Here, we at 32 PEARLS® do the root canal treatment as follows:

  • The Specialist takes an pretreatment X-Ray of the tooth for confirmation of diagnosis.
  • For complete pain relief and for comfortable experience during treatment, local anesthesia is given before starting procedure. Our 32 PEARLS® dentist in Ahmedabad, using specially developed techniques and newer anesthetics drugs, ensures that you will not feel pain or any discomfort while administering local anesthesia. Thus, with effective anesthesia and efficient expert hands, this procedure becomes completely painless.
  • After the tooth is anesthetized, root canal specialist uses a dental dam to fully isolate the tooth and maintain a sterile environment, increasing success rate of root canal treatment.
  • Access Opening of Tooth – Cleaning of the decay portion and making access to pulp tissue or root canal of tooth using modern high-speed hand pieces like DENTSPLY SIRONA (USA). It exposes the root canal and the damaged nerve and immediately resolves the pain of the tooth.
  • The root canal specialist measures length of all canals with J MORITA ROOT ZX II Apex Locator (a ROBOTIC digital equipment to judge the working length of root canal), which reduces requirements of multiple radiation exposures during treatment.
  • BioMechanical Preparation of Root Canals – After measuring length, the Specialist cleans and reshapes the canal completely using NSK (UK) ENDOMATE DT (a ROBOTIC instrument for Root Canal Treatment), DENTSPLY PROTAPER ROTARY Flexi files with constant irrigation of canals with proper medicament. Achieving complete disinfection of root canals is the goal of this step.
  • Obturation – Once the tooth is made infection-free, the specialist obturates the canals with Gutta Percha filling material, seals the canals and take a final x-ray of confirmation.
  • The residual crown portion is reinforced with the light cure composites.
  • Once the root canal treatment is completed, in many cases, the specialist will plan a crown or onlay on the tooth for long term function, aesthetics and protection.
Root Canal
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Cost of root canal treatment in Ahmedabad

Cost of RCT in Ahmedabad or in any area varies from clinic to clinic, doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist, tooth position, mouth opening and according to complexity of the case. Cost of dental treatment depends on skills, credentials and experience of dental specialist, the hygiene and sterilization standards of the clinic and the infrastructure equipment and materials used in the treatment.

32 PEARLS® provide the root canal treatments at vary competitive and affordable rates, where patients get full value of their money. As we are NABH certified dental clinic in Ahmedabad and ISO certified dental clinic in Ahmedabad, you are fully assured about the standards of care during treatment.

Who can perform Root Canal Treatment?

As such any dentist can perform root canal treatment. But, root canal treatment is a very complex and skill based treatment to save your valuable tooth for long time. It is important to know for you that at all branches of 32 PEARLS®, root canal treatments are performed only by the experts and specialists of this treatment, with all types of latest equipment and technological advancements.


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