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32 Pearls Dental

Braces Treatment in Ahmedabad

What are braces?

Braces are metal or ceramic made nontoxic minimally irritative appliances that stick to your teeth in a particular position for a specific and brief time without damaging your teeth, gums, or jaw. Braces are used with the help of particular wire and accessories on your teeth to help and facilitate the correction of malpositioned teeth and bring them into the most harmonious, functional, and esthetic position for permanent and stable results.

Why do You need braces?

God has given us 32 beautiful, sturdy teeth to flaunt, smile and eat, but we get them only once in life while we are 7 to 13 of our age. With the constant evolution of our human species from the stone age to the modern era, we have so many developmental changes and industrial changes in our life also in physique and genetical structure too. Typically with evolution, sometimes our teeth do not fit appropriately in space in our mouth or try to accommodate most in alignment. As a result, we see teeth when have less room to fit in our mouth; they become crooked, misshaped or forwardly placed.

Forwardly placed teeth or crooked teeth not only look unaesthetic but also cannot give one hundred percent efficiency of chewing and invite problems to your gums and jaw bone, which is so essential part of your mouth for the long-lasting function of teeth.

Orthodontist in Ahmedabad

A smile is the first thing one can wear for theirself. Boosting self-esteem, level of happiness, and personality development are so much dependent on a person's esthetic appearance, where a smile is the first thing everyone notices. People like to see their smiles bright and straight. For the best smile, one needs to choose the best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad.

We believe in helping our patients with smile correction, which can be done with orthodontic braces in Ahmedabad at 32 PEARLS®. You can get your dental braces treatment in Ahmedabad at our all three branches of Naranpura, Science City & Motera.

Braces specialist in Ahmedabad

Braces since the 19th-century are a well-accepted treatment for people who want to improve their appearance especially smile. For not only esthetic reason braces help you to maintain gods given single time teeth into your mouth in proper position and integrity with your gums and jaw bone for longevity and proper function of your teeth lifelong.

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When can you have braces treatment?

As far as teeth and gums are devoid of active gum disease or periodontal diseases, you can have braces at any age for your permanent teeth. The best time to have braces is to be puberty or young adult for faster results and prevent any damage from malocclusion to your permanent teeth. Irrespective of age, if you have also missed your young age of early twenties, you are still a candidate for a flawless smile even in your later stages of life.

Adults and braces

If you're an adult, you may require to wear braces longer than a younger person would. However, you can still get the same results— for example, correcting crooked teeth or a badly shaped jaw. as our facial bones are no longer growing. However, there may be some problems that can't be corrected with braces alone.

How to reduce your risk of damage due to braces?

Reduce sugar and starch-containing foods intake for decreeing damage to your teeth enamel due to accumulation of bacteria around your braces

Brush your teeth possibly after every meal, reduce in between meals snacks. Use orthodontist recommended or prescribed toothbrush for cleaning your teeth and braces. If you cannot clean your teeth every time with brushing, try and rinsing out your braces and teeth to remove out any food debris and articles.

Use your orthodontist recommended fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouthwash for teeth and gum care.

Practice good cleaning between your teeth with interdental Floss, interdental brush, or water flosser devise as may be recommended and explained by your braces expert.

Avoid sticky and crispy hard foods that can break parts of your braces, such as apples, guava and candies.

Are braces Painful?

Braces treatment or any other orthodontic treatment broadly is not painful where an individual does not requires to have dental anesthesia or analgesia. Braces only may cause minor discomfort, which may last for a very few days after each appointment commencement of your visits to the orthodontist. But if you still feel sore or in pain, you should contact our office.

How many appointments do you need for braces?

Depending on your severity, time, and treatment span, you may need to visit an orthodontist who is a braces specialist after 1 to 2 months each appointment so your specialist can make necessary changes and keep a very close watch on your treatment.

Which braces should you get?

YES, there are different versions of braces starting from metal or ceramic braces for functions and esthetic respectively and Damon braces which are faster and more comfortable in treatment as compared to conventional braces. There are also hidden braces or lingual braces available to your choice for people who do not want their braces to show and only smile.

  • Metal braces or begg braces or conventional braces
  • Straight wire or Modern MBT Braces (Metal Or Ceramic variant)
  • Damon Braces or Self ligation Braces (Metal Or Ceramic Variant
  • Insignia Braces
  • Lingual or Incognito Braces

Please do not confuse yourself with so many braces types but consult a braces expert or an orthodontic expert who is registered and endorsed with INDIAN ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY for the best braces available and suited for you.

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How are you made ready for your braces?

Preparation for braces generally starts with an oral examination. Your orthodontist and dentist conduct a full exam of your teeth, jaws and mouth, digital X-rays- an opg or orthopantomogram, for your upper and lower jaw and developing teeth and bone. Some Special head X-rays to determine head jaw bone soft tissue positions for diagnosis of your problems. These 3D X-rays give a better idea of the true position of the teeth to each other for the decision of an individualized treatment plan you which includes three phases:

  • The initial placement of the braces (or clear aligners),
  • Periodic adjustments
  • Retainer after the braces are removed.

Placement of braces

Braces placement is the first and very important appointment as it decided most of your treatment course. An orthodontist places your braces on front and back teeth without any major invasive procedure or any need of injections or anesthesia once your hygiene dentist approves your teeth and gums fit for braces placement. depending on your treatment plan, you may get both your upper and lower braces or single jaw braces in the first appointment

Regular Periodic adjustments

After fixed braces are placed on your teeth, regular adjustments are done to shift your teeth in a newer position. The jaw bone responds to the pressure by dissolving bone in the moving tooth's path and laying down new bone behind it. Sometimes, the orthodontist may use elastics between the upper and lower teeth to help alignment. Your teeth and jaws may feel slightly sore for the first few days after an adjustment, which can usually be eased with an over-the-counter pain reliever. Tell your orthodontist if the discomfort is severe or becomes worse.

What after Braces are off?

You can not wear braces for a lifetime. But like people in reality, sometimes teeth also play naughty once braces are off. To maintain healthy integrity after your braces are off, yet to set them straight, you may require retainers that help you maintain your teeth straight after your brace are off, yet you do not need to visit your specialist. So yes, braces are not forever, but they make you learn through the journey how you should look after your precious 32teeth.

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How should you look after your braces??

Every treatment modality has got its limitation. Braces have certain limitations in the context of time, comfort, and strength. As braces are working on your teeth without damaging them in any manner, they always provide very light and continuous forces, so treatment results will require time ranging from 20 to 50 days between appointments that your specialist decides.

One needs to observe meticulous oral hygiene with braces and may also, in some conditions, require special aids to maintain good hygiene of braces, teeth, and gums while undergoing braces treatment. Regarding strength, braces are made to withstand your masticatory forces of chewing and orthodontic forces of treatment. Still, forces generated due to sticky, hard foods may damage your braces and lead to disengagement and disassembling your braces and need you to visit your doctor's office asap.

Can I play sports while wearing braces?

Yes, You can continue to participate in any sports of your choice. At the same time, playing contact sports, when there are chances of getting hit in the teeth, a specially designed mouthguard needs to be worn. It is made out of a soft material designed to fit comfortably over your braces and protect the soft tissues, teeth, and braces inside your mouth.

Dental Braces Cost in Ahmedabad

Dental Braces Cost in Ahmedabad or overall braces treatment cost depends on factors like age, treatment time, extraction of premolars, adjutant esthetic procedures, and selection of your braces variant. Braces treatment is always seen erroneously or just for wires and metal in your mouth. But as a journey, it takes over your teeth, gums, cheeks, lips and facial changes are just side effects of a good braces treatment. So eventually treating your mouth as a whole, your smile as a whole, and considering the number of more than seven visits or more around months to give you the best you can get is never cheap.

We at 32 PEARLS® as a team of specialists and in association with IDA (Indian Dental Association) and IOS (Indian Orthodontic Society) as well as following NABH and ISO standards are committed to improve your smile, esthetics, and function with braces and orthodontics and give you a seamless yet enjoyable experience as orthodontic treatment or braces are not just a treatment but a journey which we want you to come abroad with nothing but joy and memories.

Dr. Jaimin Patel and Team 32 PEARLS® is proud to offer guaranteed orthodontic treatment in Ahmedabad with our Orthodontic & Digital smile design team at our Ahmadabad's best orthodontic braces treatment available at 32 PEARLS® Naranpura, , Motera Branches.

Dr. Anil Sonara, the chief orthodontist in Ahmedabad, has received various training in India and abroad exclusively in the field of Braces and Aligners. This is one reason we are one of the few clinics that specialize in offering the best orthodontic treatment in Ahmedabad with braces to young children and adults. The high skill customization, modern advanced braces materials & best quality of braces ensures that the orthodontic treatment is seamless & comfortable.

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